Grace Upon Grace … My Story (Paperback)


by David Cottrell


Grace Upon Grace is an inspirational book of David Cottrell's life story woven together with practical lessons that can provide direction and hope on your life journey. The book provides the history of David's path in life and his evidence of grace while experiencing both success and failure. He also reveals lessons learned from his experiences and provides insight into how those experiences can help you become the person you want to be.

David Cottrell has shared his life with amazing style, clarity and, well, grace. Come along with David as he takes you through business ventures that sunk to deep valleys and ascended to high peaks. That alone is an amazing story -- the story of a man with a message to share; a message he did not give up on; and a message that has been read, heard, and heeded by millions.

David also shares the personal and intimate story of life with his wife of 36 years. It's a story of love, fun, humor, heartache, and victory. He explains how he and his wife managed her final days on earth with grace, joy, and dignity.  

Finally, listen as David explains what happened when he was provided an abundance of grace to love again.

His message through his life? Enjoy and use every day. Find the joy. Embrace those you love. Live life to the fullest. Be intentional in your actions and goals. And, above all, be aware and grateful for your grace upon grace.


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